QR decomposition explained (2024)

In linear algebra, a QR decomposition, also known as a QR factorization or QU factorization, is a decomposition of a matrix A into a product A=QR of an orthonormal matrix Q and an upper triangular matrix R. QR decomposition is often used to solve the linear least squares (LLS) problem and is the basis for a particular eigenvalue algorithm, the QR algorithm.

Cases and definitions

Square matrix

Any real square matrix A may be decomposed as


where Q is an orthogonal matrix (its columns are orthogonal unit vectors meaning and R is an upper triangular matrix (also called right triangular matrix). If A is invertible, then the factorization is unique if we require the diagonal elements of R to be positive.

If A has n linearly independent columns, then the first n columns of Q form an orthonormal basis for the column space of A. More generally, the first k columns of Q form an orthonormal basis for the span of the first k columns of A for any .[1] The fact that any column k of A only depends on the first k columns of Q corresponds to the triangular form ofR.[1]

Rectangular matrix

More generally, we can factor a complex m×n matrix A, with, as the product of an m×m unitary matrix Q and an m×n upper triangular matrix R. As the bottom (mn) rows of an m×n upper triangular matrix consist entirely of zeroes, it is often useful to partition R, or both R and Q:

A=QR=Q\begin{bmatrix}R1\ 0\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}Q1&Q2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}R1\ 0\end{bmatrix}=Q1R1,

where R1 is an n×n upper triangular matrix, 0 is an zero matrix, Q1 is m×n, Q2 is, and Q1 and Q2 both have orthogonal columns.

call Q1R1 the thin QR factorization of A; Trefethen and Bau call this the reduced QR factorization.[1] If A is of full rank n and we require that the diagonal elements of R1 are positive then R1 and Q1 are unique, but in general Q2 is not. R1 is then equal to the upper triangular factor of the Cholesky decomposition of A A (=ATA if A is real).

QL, RQ and LQ decompositions

Analogously, we can define QL, RQ, and LQ decompositions, with L being a lower triangular matrix.

Computing the QR decomposition

There are several methods for actually computing the QR decomposition, such as the Gram–Schmidt process, Householder transformations, or Givens rotations. Each has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Using the Gram–Schmidt process




for the complex case).

Define the projection:


















\\&  \vdots&&  \vdots\\uk&=ak-





We can now express the


s over our newly computed orthonormal basis:

\begin{align}a1&=\left\langlee1,a1\right\ranglee1\\a2&=\left\langlee1,a2\right\ranglee1+\left\langlee2,a2\right\ranglee2\\a3&=\left\langlee1,a3\right\ranglee1+\left\langlee2,a3\right\ranglee2+\left\langlee3,a3\right\ranglee3\\&  \vdots\\ak&=



where This can be written in matrix form:







Consider the decomposition of


Recall that an orthonormal matrix


has the property

Then, we can calculate


by means of Gram–Schmidt as follows:








Thus, we have


Relation to RQ decomposition

The RQ decomposition transforms a matrix A into the product of an upper triangular matrix R (also known as right-triangular) and an orthogonal matrix Q. The only difference from QR decomposition is the order of these matrices.

QR decomposition is Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization of columns of A, started from the first column.

RQ decomposition is Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization of rows of A, started from the last row.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Gram-Schmidt process is inherently numerically unstable. While the application of the projections has an appealing geometric analogy to orthogonalization, the orthogonalization itself is prone to numerical error. A significant advantage is the ease of implementation.

Using Householder reflections

A Householder reflection (or Householder transformation) is a transformation that takes a vector and reflects it about some plane or hyperplane. We can use this operation to calculate the QR factorization of an m-by-n matrix


with .

Q can be used to reflect a vector in such a way that all coordinates but one disappear.



be an arbitrary real m-dimensional column vector of


such that


for a scalar α. If the algorithm is implemented using floating-point arithmetic, then α should get the opposite sign as the k-th coordinate of where


is to be the pivot coordinate after which all entries are 0 in matrix As final upper triangular form, to avoid loss of significance. In the complex case, set




and substitute transposition by conjugate transposition in the construction of Q below.

Then, where


is the vector [1 0 ⋯ 0]T, ||·|| is the Euclidean norm and


is an m×m identity matrix, set




Or, if


is complex



is an m-by-m Householder matrix, which is both symmetric and orthogonal (Hermitian and unitary in the complex case), and

Qx=\begin{bmatrix}\alpha\ 0\\vdots\ 0\end{bmatrix}.

This can be used to gradually transform an m-by-n matrix A to upper triangular form. First, we multiply A with the Householder matrix Q1 we obtain when we choose the first matrix column for x. This results in a matrix Q1A with zeros in the left column (except for the first row).


This can be repeated for A′ (obtained from Q1A by deleting the first row and first column), resulting in a Householder matrix Q2. Note that Q2 is smaller than Q1. Since we want it really to operate on Q1A instead of A′ we need to expand it to the upper left, filling in a 1, or in general:




iterations of this process,


is an upper triangular matrix. So, with





is a QR decomposition of



This method has greater numerical stability than the Gram–Schmidt method above.

The following table gives the number of operations in the k-th step of the QR-decomposition by the Householder transformation, assuming a square matrix with size n.

OperationNumber of operations in the k-th step






Square root


Summing these numbers over the steps (for a square matrix of size n), the complexity of the algorithm (in terms of floating point multiplications) is given by






Let us calculate the decomposition of


First, we need to find a reflection that transforms the first column of matrix A, vector into













and and then



\sqrt{14}}\begin{bmatrix}-1\ 3\ -2\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}-1&3&-2\end{bmatrix}\\={}&I-



Now observe:


so we already have almost a triangular matrix. We only need to zero the (3, 2) entry.

Take the (1, 1) minor, and then apply the process again to


By the same method as above, we obtain the matrix of the Householder transformation


after performing a direct sum with 1 to make sure the next step in the process works properly.

Now, we find




Or, to four decimal digits,




The matrix Q is orthogonal and R is upper triangular, so is the required QR decomposition.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of Householder transformations is inherently the most simple of the numerically stable QR decomposition algorithms due to the use of reflections as the mechanism for producing zeroes in the R matrix. However, the Householder reflection algorithm is bandwidth heavy and not parallelizable, as every reflection that produces a new zero element changes the entirety of both Q and R matrices.

Using Givens rotations

QR decompositions can also be computed with a series of Givens rotations. Each rotation zeroes an element in the subdiagonal of the matrix, forming the R matrix. The concatenation of all the Givens rotations forms the orthogonal Q matrix.

In practice, Givens rotations are not actually performed by building a whole matrix and doing a matrix multiplication. A Givens rotation procedure is used instead which does the equivalent of the sparse Givens matrix multiplication, without the extra work of handling the sparse elements. The Givens rotation procedure is useful in situations where only relatively few off-diagonal elements need to be zeroed, and is more easily parallelized than Householder transformations.


Let us calculate the decomposition of


First, we need to form a rotation matrix that will zero the lowermost left element, We form this matrix using the Givens rotation method, and call the matrix


. We will first rotate the vector to point along the X axis. This vector has an angle We create the orthogonal Givens rotation matrix,




And the result of


now has a zero in the




We can similarly form Givens matrices


and which will zero the sub-diagonal elements


and forming a triangular matrix The orthogonal matrix


is formed from the product of all the Givens matrices Thus, we have and the QR decomposition is

Advantages and disadvantages

The QR decomposition via Givens rotations is the most involved to implement, as the ordering of the rows required to fully exploit the algorithm is not trivial to determine. However, it has a significant advantage in that each new zero element


affects only the row with the element to be zeroed (i) and a row above (j). This makes the Givens rotation algorithm more bandwidth efficient and parallelizable than the Householder reflection technique.

Connection to a determinant or a product of eigenvalues

We can use QR decomposition to find the determinant of a square matrix. Suppose a matrix is decomposed as


. Then we have\det A = \det Q \det R.


can be chosen such that


. Thus,\det A = \det R = \prod_i r_

where the


are the entries on the diagonal of


. Furthermore, because the determinant equals the product of the eigenvalues, we have\prod_ r_ = \prod_ \lambda_

where the


are eigenvalues of



We can extend the above properties to a non-square complex matrix


by introducing the definition of QR decomposition for non-square complex matrices and replacing eigenvalues with singular values.

Start with a QR decomposition for a non-square matrix A:

A=Q\begin{bmatrix}R\ 0\end{bmatrix},    Q\daggerQ=I


denotes the zero matrix and


is a unitary matrix.

From the properties of the singular value decomposition (SVD) and the determinant of a matrix, we have


where the


are the singular values of

Note that the singular values of




are identical, although their complex eigenvalues may be different. However, if A is square, then


It follows that the QR decomposition can be used to efficiently calculate the product of the eigenvalues or singular values of a matrix.

Column pivoting

Pivoted QR differs from ordinary Gram-Schmidt in that it takes the largest remaining column at the beginning of each new step—column pivoting—[2] and thus introduces a permutation matrix P:


Column pivoting is useful when A is (nearly) rank deficient, or is suspected of being so. It can also improve numerical accuracy. P is usually chosen so that the diagonal elements of R are non-increasing:


. This can be used to find the (numerical) rank of A at lower computational cost than a singular value decomposition, forming the basis of so-called rank-revealing QR algorithms.

Using for solution to linear inverse problems

Compared to the direct matrix inverse, inverse solutions using QR decomposition are more numerically stable as evidenced by their reduced condition numbers.[3]

To solve the underdetermined linear problem


where the matrix


has dimensions

m x n

and rank first find the QR factorization of the transpose of where Q is an orthogonal matrix (i.e. and R has a special form:

R=\left[\begin{smallmatrix}R1\ 0\end{smallmatrix}\right]

. Here


is a square

m x m

right triangular matrix, and the zero matrix has dimension After some algebra, it can be shown that a solution to the inverse problem can be expressed as:




where one may either find


by Gaussian elimination or compute



directly by forward substitution. The latter technique enjoys greater numerical accuracy and lower computations.

To find a solution


to the overdetermined problem


which minimizes the norm first find the QR factorization of The solution can then be expressed as where


is an

m x n

matrix containing the first


columns of the full orthonormal basis


and where


is as before. Equivalent to the underdetermined case, back substitution can be used to quickly and accurately find this


} without explicitly inverting (




are often provided by numerical libraries as an "economic" QR decomposition.)


Iwasawa decomposition generalizes QR decomposition to semi-simple Lie groups.

See also

  • Polar decomposition
  • Eigenvalue decomposition
  • Spectral decomposition
  • LU decomposition
  • Singular value decomposition


  1. Book: Trefethen . Lloyd N. . Bau . David III . Nick Trefethen . Numerical linear algebra . 1997 . . Philadelphia, PA . 978-0-898713-61-9.
  2. Book: Strang . Gilbert . Linear Algebra and Learning from Data . 2019 . Wellesley Cambridge Press . Wellesley . 978-0-692-19638-0 . 143 . 1st.
  3. Book: Parker, Robert L. . Geophysical Inverse Theory . 1994 . Princeton University Press . 978-0-691-20683-7 . Princeton, N.J. . 1134769155 . Section 1.13 .

Further reading

  • .

External links

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "QR decomposition".

Except where otherwise indicated, Everything.Explained.Today is © Copyright 2009-2024, A B Cryer, All Rights Reserved. Cookie policy.

QR decomposition explained (2024)


What is the point of QR decomposition? ›

It follows that the QR decomposition can be used to efficiently calculate the product of the eigenvalues or singular values of a matrix.

What are the different types of QR decomposition? ›

There are really two kinds of QR decomposition: there is the full QR decomposition, where A is m×n, Q is m×m, and R is m×n. There is also the reduced QR decomposition, where A is m×n with rank r, Q is m×r, and R is r×n.

What is R in QR decomposition? ›

A QR decomposition of. a real square matrix A is a decomposition of A as. A = QR, where Q is an orthogonal matrix (i.e. QT Q = I) and R is an upper triangular matrix. If A is nonsingular, then this factorization is unique.

Is QR decomposition is the same as LU decomposition? ›

Another decomposition method is QR decomposition. One advantage of QR decomposition over LU decomposition is that this method does not require that the decomposition be carried out on a square matrix.

What are the disadvantages of QR? ›

They're not super secure. Anyone can access the information stored in a QR code. Be smart about what you link to – and make sure you don't put any confidential info in whatever you're linking to. Some people are also cautious about scanning QR codes because they don't know where the link is going to take them.

Who invented QR decomposition? ›

The QR algorithm was developed in the late 1950s by John G. F. Francis and by Vera N. Kublanovskaya, working independently. The basic idea is to perform a QR decomposition, writing the matrix as a product of an orthogonal matrix and an upper triangular matrix, multiply the factors in the reverse order, and iterate.

Is a QR decomposition unique? ›

The QR decomposition is unique. satisfying the stated properties are unique. Thus, the two matrices involved in the QR decomposition are unique.

What are the four types of decomposition? ›

There are 3 different types of decomposition reactions thermal, electrolytic, and photolytic.

Does every matrix have a QR factorization? ›

Theorem. Every matrix has a QR-decomposition, though R may not always be invertible.

What is R in QR code? ›

An R QR code is a type of QR code (Quick Response code) that is used to store data in a two-dimensional barcode. It is used to store information such as URLs, contact information, and other data.

What does the Q in the R stand for in QR code? ›

Well, the QR – which stands for “quick response” – code is basically a barcode on steroids. While the barcode holds information horizontally, the QR code does so both horizontally and vertically. This enables the QR code to hold over a hundred times more information.

Does QR decomposition work on non-square matrices? ›

which can be solved directly by back-substitution. QR-decomposition can also be performed on non-square matrices with few long columns.

Does QR decomposition always exist? ›

The QR decompostion always exists, even if the matrix does not have full rank, so the constructor will never fail. The primary use of the QR decomposition is in the least squares solution of nonsquare systems of simultaneous linear equations.

Why is LU decomposition faster? ›

LU decomposition stands for Lower Upper triangular decomposition. The triangular matrices speed up the process of back substitution in root finding.

Is the LU decomposition unique Why or why not? ›

The LU decomposition may not exist for a matrix A . If the LU decomposition exists then it is unique. The LU decomposition provides an efficient means of solving linear equations. The reason that L has all diagonal entries set to 1 is that this means the LU decomposition is unique.

What is the purpose of the decomposition method? ›

Decomposition method is a generic term for solutions of various problems and design of algorithms in which the basic idea is to decompose the problem into subproblems. The term may specifically refer to: Decomposition method (constraint satisfaction) in constraint satisfaction.

What is the purpose of problem decomposition? ›

It involves breaking down a complex problem or system into smaller parts that are more manageable and easier to understand. The smaller parts can then be examined and solved, or designed individually, as they are simpler to work with.

What is the point of spectral decomposition? ›

We can use spectral decomposition to more easily solve systems of equations. For example, in OLS estimation, our goal is to solve the following for b. The orthogonal P matrix makes this computationally easier to solve. Moreover, since D is a diagonal matrix, D−1 is also easy to compute.

What is the point of time series decomposition? ›

By decomposing a time series, you gain a clearer understanding of the underlying patterns and trends, making it easier to analyze and forecast the data accurately.

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